Monday, May 30, 2005

White Dale baby sweater

The new truck!

Baby A and Mommy's hands
Baby A is here! She arrived very early on Saturday morning. Mommy was 30 weeks along, so she is pretty tiny-2 lb., 9 oz.. She is 15" long. She's beautiful! She's healthy and strong and only needs help with her breathing.

She puts the total up to 11 babies so far this year with 9 more to go!! Just found out last week about a couple of others. I haven't been knitting as much as I would like, to many trips in the car (me driving!). In the last 2 weeks, we've been to 4 graduation receptions, 2 birthday parties, 1 family reunion, 1 graduation ceremony, and the hospital about 6 times. We've been watching M&M about once a week, too. I just haven't had time to get much knitting done.

On top of all that, we bought a new semi-tractor and had to deal with all the "stuff" that goes with that. It's a pretty truck (I'll post a photo). I think we'll really enjoy it. My seat is alot nicer that our previous truck-air ride, arm rests! Of course, with our schedule, I don't know how much I'll get to go.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Haven't felt much like blogging lately. Really don't have much to say. I've been listening a bit more lately.

I've gotten quite a bit of baby knitting done. It's necessary as they keep coming! Baby A is still safely tucked in mommy and we've made it past the 28 week mark. I'm hoping to make a bigger sweater!

I've been reading quite a bit lately, too! Finished the third Yada Yada prayer group book, finished the latest Beverly Lewis book, "The Revelation", and I just started "A Good Yarn".

We've had a lot of things going on. Lots of relationship issues, health concerns, etc., it's made me rather reflective about what the Lord is teaching us.

I've really been working hard at just getting away from those things that upset me, life is to hard to dwell on all of that. I'm fixing my eyes on Jesus!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Baby A's preemie hat and sweater. The remote control is about 6 inches long! Baby A could be coming in the next 7-10 days and she'll be about 13 weeks early.