Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well, things have changed dramatically in the last 28 hours or so. My neice, who just found out that she was pregnant 3 1/2 weeks ago (she'd been in deep denial), when into labor on Friday evening and our new little family member came just after 2:00 pm on the 2nd. Despite my neice being frightened by the whole process and the sudden thought of being a mother, everything went well. The labor progressed very quickly. This little guy was ready to join the family, I think he wants Christmas presents!! He weighs just over 6 pounds. We will be heading up again to visit this afternoon. They haven't got anything ready yet, so we'll do a little shopping on the way!

I feel for my neice, 18, a senior, denying the possibility, finally accepting the truth, and boom, she's a mommy. God has a purpose and a plan. I can trust in that.

Last night, we went to see "The Nativity Story". It's a beautiful movie. Gives you a wonderful idea of what life would have been like in Judea at the time of Jesus' birth. There is a gentleness and peace to the whole thing. An understanding that God has a plan. Some of the timing of certain events could be somewhat disputable, but certainly doesn't deter from the story of His birth and it's power. I would recommend it!

So, I have knitting that must get done. Life keeps interrupting my progress! A certain someone's socks are partly done and I've got 2 out of 4 Christmas stockings completed (at least the knitting, I've still got to the the embellishments). I've decided to make a stocking for our new great-nephew and make his sweater after the first of the year.

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