Someone asked about Baby C's sweater pattern, it is from a Leisure Arts booklet, "Knit Layettes for little darlings". It was published in 2000 and on the back it says that it is booklet #3208. There are several adorable sweaters with matching blankets.
We've had another snow storm. At least it looks like winter! I do get a bit irritated with the media, you'd think we'd gotten 20 inches of snow overnight! They get so worked up over normal winter weather! Of course, that seems to be the way of the media-take everything to the extreme and just get everyone worked up. No wonder we have so much anxiety and depression.
As for potential presidential candidates making their aspirations known---ugh!! No one "trips my trigger". It seems like everyone's goal is simply to win, to gain power. What ever happened to being a civil servant, to serve humbly? It's on both sides of the aisle, too. Well, it should be fun to watch them all pick each other apart!