Thursday, October 12, 2006


Title: Holman Bible Dictionary
PRIDE Undue confidence in and attention to one’s own skills, accomplishments, state, possessions, or position. Pride is easier to recognize than to define, easier to recognize in others than in oneself. Many biblical words describe this concept, each with its own emphasis. Some of the synonyms for pride include arrogance, presumption, conceit, self-satisfaction, boasting, and high-mindedness. It is the opposite of humility, the proper attitude one should have in relation to God. Pride is rebellion against God because it attributes to self the honor and glory due to God alone. Proud persons do not think it necessary to ask forgiveness because they do not admit their sinful condition. This attitude toward God finds expression in one’s attitude toward others, often causing people to have a low estimate of the ability and worth of others and therefore to treat them with either contempt or cruelty. Some have considered pride to be the root and essence of sin. Others consider it to be sin in its final form. In either case, it is a grievous sin.

Pride is a sin I've struggled with. I believe that if we were all honest, we would all have to confess to certain level of pride. It can be a real struggle for me, though. You see, my spiritual gifts are pastor/shepherd and exhortation. I see others sin, I want to point it out and encourage them to seek God's merciful forgiveness. I want to encourage them to seek God's best for their life, to live out their faith, to trust God's Word and take Him at His Word. But, I often question my motives. Is it for God's glory or my own? Most of the time, I believe that it is for God's glory, but sometimes I see that it is for my own. Lord, please forgive me. Help me to use my gifts for Your glory, not my own!

It's so easy to get caught up in our own agenda. To have all the answers to everyone's problems, to think we can fix everything. But, I don't think that we are supposed to fix everything. If we did, we'd get in God's way. He wouldn't be able to work in people's lives in a way that brings growth and maturity.

James 1:2-4 (NIV)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Trials are important in our lives. They are there for a purpose. They cause us to mature, they cause us to run to God, they cause us to discover what is important in our lives, they help us to see spiritually. Just as Jesus was led to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tested by Satan, I believe that we are led into the desert to be tested. The desert is not always a bad place. Growth and maturity are often in the desert. The desert causes us to hunger and thirst. The only place to turn is to the ONE that can give us spiritual water and bread. Jesus!

He is doing amazing things in my life right now, granting me focus and purpose. I'm excited to see what He is going to do and I want to be a willing participant and servant--without pride.

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