Monday, February 25, 2013

Yesterday was the first day the whole family got together since our little L was born.

We're growing!!

Sweet baby snoozing on Great-Grandma!

I just love the look on her face!!  She had just been watching the Daytona 500.  Another race fan in the making!

So precious!  She is 6 weeks old now!

Yep, I have eyes!

Time is flying by, which in the winter, is a good thing for me.  February and March are difficult months for me.  I get tired of the cold, wearing coats, and feeling claustrophobic.  I find it hard to get and stay motivated.  It helps that as I've learned this about myself, I'm better able to prepare for the emotions and give myself little goals that help me to get through these months.  I've been working on some knitting projects, lots of little ones being born this year, and reading.  I've also discovered a couple of really enjoyable British tv series that I've been watching on Netflix and I watch those while I knit.  "Monarch of the Glen" is set in the highlands of Scotland.  The scenery is amazing!  The story is sometimes dramatic, but usually just fun and enjoyable to watch.  "Wild at Heart" is set in South Africa and, wow, the visual aspect of the show is so beautiful!!  The animals are just gorgeous!  So, if I can't be in the warmth, I can pretend!

Our celebration yesterday was for J and his new job!  He's worked diligently at his current job for almost 4 years and that loyalty and hard work has paid off.  Starting March 11, he'll be at a better job with a much better chance for promotion and advancement!  We're very proud of him!

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