Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The election is over. It has been an amazing learning experience. Many things need to change. Politics is to ugly, to nasty. There are to many outside influences. The media needs to be reminded what yellow journalism is, they need to be reminded that they are reporters not ediorialists. We need to be positive.

On a good note, my young candidate got 37% of the vote against a 12-year incumbent. That was higher than expected. In two years, the incumbent had better be watching behind him.

I do enjoy politics, I enjoy the challenge, I enjoy the work. I love working with people of like minds. I have met some of the most amazing people during the course of this summer and fall.

But, it is November 8th and I have a house to get straightened up and Christmas stockings to make. Please read the Scriptures below, they sum it all up.

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