Saturday, April 08, 2006

Yeah!! I did Leslie Sansone's 5-mile walk today!! I feel so good! I didn't know if I could do it, the most I ever done at one time was 3 miles. It felt great, though! I've lost 4 more pounds this week, but that just puts me back to where I was about a month and a half ago. It's so exciting to be back on the right track again!

Baby L's sweater is almost done. I've got to weave in all the ends, sew the sleeves on, and do the neckband and button bands.

Praise God as we prepare expectantly for Resurrection Sunday!


Rebecca said...

Great job on your 5 mile walk! I think I will have to try out those videos. I'm on Weight Watchers right now and have hit a plateau with my weight. My leader ends every meeting with 'Remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels'.

StarKnits said...

congrats on the 5 miles! i didn't know that she did a 5 mile one! totally cool! i plan on doing her walk diet on line at leslie sansone dot com.