Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The sun is shining this morning! Woo hoo! There are 45 degree temperatures in the forecast! I'm so looking forward to that!

March is just around the corner and that is always my hardest month, but I'm confident that the Lord will get me through this one too! I just need to follow the advice I give my friend, perspective, faith, and attitude! It may be March, but I don't have to give into anxiety, depression, or other negative things. I can be hopeful, joyful, because I have a God who understands.

We did cancel knitting group again last night due to the icy roads, but hopefully in 2 weeks, we'll have no problem getting together. I enjoy that time so much. Knitting, eating, and chatting! Are there any better things to do? I don't think so!

Today we are going to visit the new babies that we haven't had a chance to visit yet. Baby K is just over 2 months and baby C is just a few days old. (Baby C is Baby A's and Baby M's baby brother. Hee Hee!)

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