Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 4/Month 4--April.......

April brought E's first Resurrection Sunday.  Of course, she had a pretty dress for the occasion!

We had a nice lunch with Grandpa's side of the family and enjoyed working on mints for our niece's upcoming graduation.  

House-hunting for both J & M and L & S had been going on since the first of the year.  J & M were very close to signing on their home, despite some loony sellers on the other end!  L & S were still in shopping mode.  By the end of April, we were helping J & M to get things packed up and ready to move up the street.  It was bittersweet, as they left behind our dear friend E's home, but it was time for them to get something of their own and build some equity.  They now have a nice 4-bedroom home for when the time comes that the Lord blesses them with little ones.  It also meant that in a few weeks, L & S and baby would move in with them until they found their own place since Baby E was outgrowing all of her clothes and everything else had been packed on our livestock trailer in the shop for about 3 months.  They would all have more space this way.  I admit, we went through a wide range of emotions that month!

E got her first "professional" pictures taken in April, too!  They were a lot of fun!  She's is so photogenic!!

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