Monday, December 24, 2012

We made it to December!  I just want to say how blessed we are to have the family and friends we do! You all mean so much to us!!  We pray that you have a blessed 2013!

Day 12/Month 12....December

December has been another quiet month.  We enjoyed going to see The Hobbit and we enjoyed the children's program we had at church.

We celebrated our family Christmas just this Saturday.  It's fun getting together and just enjoying each other's company, playing the Wii and playing with new toys.

Ooohh, lookie what's in the box!!

Our new Vera's

This one describes itself!!!

Playing with new toys!

So, as I close out this recap of 2012, I am so thankful for all the blessings we have received!  Not the material things we have, but the wonderful children, grand-children, family, and friends!  You are all never far from our thoughts and prayers.

May we remember at this time of year, that's it's really not about Santa Claus and seeing what we get under our Christmas tree, but it's about the birth of a Savior, who humbled Himself to be born of a virgin, born in lowly circumstances, that He would grow to be fully man/fully God, and that He would pay the penalty for our sins.  We, as humans, miss God's mark, but He has provided our Savior, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah!  Praise and worship Him this holiday season!!

1 comment:

A said...

I loved these, I am going to miss them now that it's over.
Love you guys. D & A and kids